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A 21-day challenge to dismantling what was never a part of God's plan

15 US dollars
4560 East 71st Street

Service Description

Join me for 21 days of UNDOING as we journey together in seeking God to undo and remove everything that is weighing us down and get focused and centered in God for what He is wanting to lead us into in this next season of our lives. Over the next 21-days starting July 19, we will hold each other accountable for the following: - Pray, meditate and journal together every day at 5:30am – 6:30am EST (11:30am – 12:30pm CAT) - Read and journal on one chapter of the book of Job each day. - Walk for 30 – 60 minutes daily either as we pray or on your own as you do some mindset work/soaking/listening. - Fast from that which is not pure and whole: you and God will decide what that is for you. For me, it will be from all processed foods (including bread), secular media, caffeine, and sugar. - Eat clean: you and God will decide what that is for you. For me, it will be purely water, fruits and vegetables for the next 21 day, raw and organic as much as is possible or steamed to preserve nutrients. - Listen to the book “As a man thinketh” by James Allen daily - Journal daily God’s response to you on the question: “Lord, what are you undoing in my life today? What are you dismantling and removing?” - Daily gratitude and surrender journaling in response to the following prompts: “Today I surrender…” “Today I am grateful for…” When you sign up you will receive access to the following: - FREE Facebook Accountability Group specifically for this challenge where you will have to report daily on what you were able to do. It’s ok if you are not able to get it immediately. You may even just start with showing up for one of the things mentioned above. - Zoom call access for the prayer calls - Daily video or text devotionals and journal prompts as God leads me - Invitation on completion of this challenge to join the next phase of this challenge for the next 21 days “The BECOMING”. For the period of this challenge and only for those signed up to the challenge and who are actively engaged in doing the work with me and the group, I am providing you with the option of signing up for a weekly group coaching session at a very crazy discounted price of $15 per session. This will be at a fixed time each week: Mondays at 12:00pm EST. The purpose of this will be to actively work through some of the barriers you may be experiencing during this UNDOING challenge and receive support and affirmation from others in the group.

Upcoming Sessions

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