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Destiny Connections LLC


We also serve the FAMILIES of leaders & visionaries (children, youth, couples & families).

We help leaders and visionaries HEAL from their past experiences that are influencing their ability to be effective in the present, through proven methods and practices that integrate spiritual, clinical, psychosocial and leadership development approaches.

We help you acknowledge and leverage your experiences, working with you and your family to holistically to develop a sustainable and customized plan that allows you to ALIGN your life for the season you are currently in, equipping you with the knowledge and tools you need to LEAD more effectively in your next season.

We help you find effective strategies that optimal wellness through developing a deeper understanding of habits and lifestyle choices, create a life balance that prioritizes your well-being and celebrates all aspects of your true God-given Destiny.

DC Benjamin





You have a great vision & desire to build a great legacy, but the wear & tear of the last several years has you wondering if you will finish strong. You don't like to talk about it, but you can't get past the hurt, grief, trauma & disappointments. You find yourself resorting to behaviors that you would not normally entertain, repeating cycles of dysfunction & feel like you are watching what you spent years building fall apart right in front of your eyes. You feel like you will never make progress towards your dream & though you may not admit it feel yourself sinking into a pit of despair & hopelessness. If this sounds like you, then we are here to serve you.


Integrating clinical, spiritual, and coaching strategies we will help you move past internal barriers so that you can create the life you were created for.


You are in a season of transition but feel lost, confused and afraid, maybe even a little stuck. You know that something has to change but do not know where to start and are having trouble making the shift both internally and externally. Starting over and reinventing yourself is difficult, especially when you did not plan for it. But you do not have to do it alone. Whether it's a career change, life after loss, or simply feeling like there has to be more to life than what you are currently experiencing...we are here to help you.


We will walk with you through this transition, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to effectively transition into the next season of your life, expanding your capacity for this next season.


You have the vision & dream but have no idea how to get from point A to B. You often start things but fail to execute & complete. You want to do things differently this time! align your vision to God's purpose for your life in this season, as well as the gifts He has given you, creating a clear vision strategy and establishing your mission, with clearly defined outcomes and performance indicators, developing a clear action plan to move from an idea to a written vision/business plan/program outline to execution. We will help you, putting clear systems in place that will enable you to thrive in this next season.


We will help you work through any obstacles you may experience on this journey & keep you accountable to take action & move your vision from concept to reality. 


"Everything rises & falls on leadership." John C. Maxwell


We believe that building beyond ourselves for the next generation begins by deciding that we will make choices you make today will create the tomorrow we want our children to experience. We will help you turn your vision into one that builds legacy & creates lasting impact. This includes helping you shift your leadership approach through training & development to build sustainable systems that facilitate greater ease in handing over the baton.


We provide executive & leadership coaching that helps navigate mind shifts & daily disciplines that position you & your team to intentionally build legacy & increase your influence & impact both in the present & for generations to come. 

Begin Something

Let's Connect

Email:  /  Tel: 216-372-6812   

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@2022 Destiny Connections LLC

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